Scryer Prolog

Module sockets

:- use_module(library(sockets)).

Predicates for handling network sockets, both as a server and as a client. As a server, you should open a socket an call socket_server_accept/4 to get a stream for each connection. As a client, you should just open a socket and you will receive a stream. In both cases, with a stream, you can use the usual predicates to read and write to the stream.

socket_client_open(+Addr, -Stream, +Options).

Open a socket to a server, returning a stream. Addr must satisfy Addr = Address:Port.

The following options are available:

  • alias(+Alias): Set an alias to the stream
  • eof_action(+Action): Defined what happens if the end of the stream is reached. Values: error, eof_code and reset.
  • reposition(+Boolean): Specifies whether repositioning is required for the stream. false is the default.
  • type(+Type): Type can be text or binary. Defines the type of the stream, if it's optimized for plain text or just binary

socket_server_open(+Addr, -ServerSocket).

Open a server socket, returning a ServerSocket. Use that ServerSocket to accept incoming connections in socket_server_accept/4. Addr must satisfy Addr = Address:Port. Depending on the operating system configuration, some ports might be reserved for superusers.

socket_server_accept(+ServerSocket, -Client, -Stream, +Options).

Given a ServerSocket and a list of Options, accepts a incoming connection, returning data from the Client and a Stream to read or write data.

The following options are available:

  • alias(+Alias): Set an alias to the stream
  • eof_action(+Action): Defined what happens if the end of the stream is reached. Values: error, eof_code and reset.
  • reposition(+Boolean): Specifies whether repositioning is required for the stream. false is the default.
  • type(+Type): Type can be text or binary. Defines the type of the stream, if it's optimized for plain text or just binary


Stops listening on that ServerSocket. It's recommended to always close a ServerSocket once it's no longer needed


Returns the current hostname of the computer in which Scryer Prolog is executing right now