Scryer Prolog

Module lists

:- use_module(library(lists)).

List manipulation predicates

length(?Xs, ?N).

Relates a list to its length (number of elements). It can be used to count the elements of a current list or to create a list full of free variables with N length.

?- length("abc", 3).
?- length("abc", N).
   N = 3.
?- length(Xs, 3).
   Xs = [_A,_B,_C].

member(?X, ?Xs).

Succeeds when X unifies with an item of the list Xs, which can be at any position.

?- member(X, "hello world").
   X = h
;  ... .

select(X, Xs0, Xs1).

Succeeds when the list Xs1 is the list Xs0 without the item X

?- select(c, "abcd", X).
   X = "abd"
;  false.

append(+XsXs, ?Xs).

Concatenates a list of lists

?- append([[1, 2], [3]], Xs).
   Xs = [1,2,3].

append(Xs0, Xs1, Xs).

List Xs is the concatenation of Xs0 and Xs1

?- append([1,2,3], [4,5,6], Xs).
   Xs = [1,2,3,4,5,6].

memberchk(?X, +Xs).

This predicate is similar to member/2, but it only provides a single answer

reverse(?Xs, ?Ys).

Xs is the Ys list in reverse order

?- reverse([1,2,3], [3,2,1]). true.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the list Xs0

?- maplist(write, [1,2,3]).
123   true.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0 and Xs1.

?- maplist(length, ["hello", "prolog", "marseille"], Xs1).
   Xs1 = [5,6,9].

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1 and Xs2.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2, ?Xs3).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1, Xs2 and Xs3.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2, ?Xs3, ?Xs4).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1, Xs2, Xs3 and Xs4.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2, ?Xs3, ?Xs4, ?Xs5).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1, Xs2, Xs3, Xs4 and Xs5.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2, ?Xs3, ?Xs4, ?Xs5, ?Xs6).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1, Xs2, Xs3, Xs4, Xs5 and Xs6.

maplist(+Predicate, ?Xs0, ?Xs1, ?Xs2, ?Xs3, ?Xs4, ?Xs5, ?Xs6, ?Xs7).

This is a metapredicate that applies predicate to each element of the lists Xs0, Xs1, Xs2, Xs3, Xs4, Xs5, Xs6 and Xs7.

sum_list(+Xs, -Sum).

Takes a lists of numbers and unifies Sum with the result of summing all the elements of the list.

?- sum_list([2,2,2], 6).

same_length(?Xs, ?Ys).

Succeeds if Xs and Ys are lists of the same length

foldl(+Predicate, ?Ls, +A0, ?A).

foldl, sometimes called reduce, is a metapredicate that takes a predicate, a list of items and a starting value, and outputs a single value. The predicate Predicate must be able to take the current element of the list, the previous value of the computation and the next value of the computation.

For example, if we define sum_ as:

sum_(L, S0, S) :- S is S0 + L.

Then we can define sum_list/2 as the following:

sum_list(Ls, S) :- foldl(sum_, Ls, 0, S).

foldl(+Predicate, ?Ls0, ?Ls1, +A0, ?A).

Same as foldl/4 but with an extra list

transpose(?Ls, ?Ts).

If Ls is a list of lists, Ts contains the transposition

?- transpose([[1,1],[2,2]], Ts).
   Ts = [[1,2],[1,2]].

list_to_set(+Ls0, -Set).

Takes a list Ls0 and returns a list Set that doesn't contain any repeated element

?- list_to_set([2,3,4,4,1,2], Set).
   Set = [2,3,4,1].

nth0(?N, ?Ls, ?E).

Succeeds if in the N position of the list Ls, we found the element E. The elements start counting from zero.

?- nth0(2, [1,2,3,4], 3).

nth1(?N, ?Ls, ?E).

Succeeds if in the N position of the list Ls, we found the element E. The elements start counting from one.

?- nth1(2, [1,2,3,4], 2).

nth0(?N, ?Ls, ?E, ?Rs).

Succeeds if in the N position of the list Ls, we found the element E and the rest of the list is Rs. The elements start counting from zero.

?- nth0(2, [1,2,3,4], 3, [1,2,4]).

nth1(?N, ?Ls, ?E, ?Rs).

Succeeds if in the N position of the list Ls, we found the element E and the rest of the list is Rs. The elements start counting from one.

?- nth1(2, [1,2,3,4], 2, [1,3,4]).

list_max(+Xs, -Max).

Takes a list Xs and unifies with the maximum value of the list

list_min(+Xs, -Min).

Takes a list Xs and unifies with the minimum value of the list

permutation(?Xs, ?Ys) is nondet.

True when Xs is a permutation of Ys. This can solve for Ys given Xs or Xs given Ys, or even enumerate Xs and Ys together. The predicate permutation/2 is primarily intended to generate permutations. Note that a list of length N has N! permutations, and unbounded permutation generation becomes prohibitively expensive, even for rather short lists (10! = 3,628,800).

The example below illustrates that Xs and Ys being proper lists is not a sufficient condition to use the above replacement.

?- permutation([1,2], [X,Y]).
   X = 1, Y = 2
;  X = 2, Y = 1
;  false.

Throws type_error(list, Arg) if either argument is not a proper or partial list.