Scryer Prolog documentation

Module uuid

:- use_module(library(uuid)).

This library provides reasoning and working with UUID (only version 4 right now).

There are three predicates:

  • uuidv4/1, to generate a new UUIDv4

  • uuidv4_string/1, to generate a new UUIDv4 in string hex representation

  • uuid_string/2, to converte between UUID list of bytes and UUID hex representation


?- uuidv4(X).
   X = [42,147,248,242,117,196,79,2,129,159|...].
?- uuidv4_string(X).
   X = "428499fc-76e3-4240- ...".
?- uuidv4(X), uuid_string(X, S).
   X = [173,12,244,152,139,118,64,139,137,4|...], S = "ad0cf498-8b76-408b- ...".
?- uuid_string(X, "61ae692e-eaf6-4199-8dd3-9f01db70a20b").
   X = [97,174,105,46,234,246,65,153,141,211|...].


Generates a new UUID v4 (random). It unifies with a list of bytes.


Generates a new UUID v4 (random). It unifies with a string representation of the UUID. It is equivalent of calling uuidv4/1 followed by uuid_string/2.

uuid_string(?UuidBytes, ?UuidString).

Translates between the bytes representation and the string representation of the same UUID.